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1st Question & Answer Meeting

1st Question & Answer Meeting

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Public Question & Answer 1 Brockwood Park, England
September 2, 1980

Q1: You have spoken so much against organisations, so why do you have schools and foundations? And why do you speak?

Q2: Is it always wrong or misguided to work with an enlightened man and be a sannyasi?

Q3: You say that fundamentally my mind works in exactly the same way as everyone else. Why does this make me responsible for the whole world?

Q4: When I listen to you there is an urgency to change. When I return home it fades. What am I to do?

Q5: Is suffering necessary to make us face the necessity to change?

Q6: My problem is I have a ten foot wall around me. It is no use trying to overcome it, so I ignore it. It is still there. What do I do?

Q7: I derive strength from concentrating on a symbol. I belong to a group that encourages this. Is this an illusion?