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Meditation, the timeless and love

Meditation, the timeless and love

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Public Talk 4 Brockwood Park, England
September 2, 1979

Guns, submarines, going to the moon, etc., are all actual realities created by thought. Thought has not created nature.

Is there something which is not the product of thought?

Psychologically, thought has invented time as a means of avoiding and postponing, indulging in that which it already has.

Meditation is the ending of time.

In inquiring into something beyond time there must be a complete sense of relationship, which can only come about when there is love.

Can the mind, including the brain, be absolutely quiet?

When you are observing a fact completely, with all your energy, the fact changes.

In meditation, which is to bring about a mind that is absolutely quiet, any form of effort is futile.