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Why do we get educated?

Why do we get educated?

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Dialogue 2 Brockwood Park, England
September 28, 1979

Can we bring about right education so that the educator and the educated bring about a good society?

If once you understand the truth that you are an integral part, that you are the world, in essence, then how can you be alone? You are alone when you are seeking security; that is your isolation.

You are aware that you are conditioned and you will help me to be aware of my conditioning. Before you teach physics or mathematics, can you give ten minutes to this?

The world outside is created by each one of us. To change that and to bring about a good society, each one must change, psychologically. Which doesn’t mean I stand alone, because I am the world.

We human beings are responsible for this mess, this madness that’s going on in the world.

My mind is the mind of the world.

In isolation there is no security.