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Is there order which thought has never touched?

Is there order which thought has never touched?

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Public Talk 4 Madras (Chennai), India
January 4, 1981

Why hasn’t the brain been able to function in an orderly way?

We are afraid to be radically, deeply free of mediocrity. The search for certainty is a form of mediocrity.

Excellence is not achieved through competition.

If thought is responsible for disorder, then what is the relationship of thought to our daily life?

When you say, ‘How am I to stop thought?’ it is a wrong question because thought is the controller and the controlled.

Can there be order without the movement of thought? This is real meditation.

When we are inquiring into order and disorder, your whole brain is active, there is no sluggish part in it. That means your whole brain is alert, not caught in a particular groove.